Thursday 29 December 2011

Aishwarya hot tubs

Good Fats And Bad

Dietary advice

Eating well what you need to know about good and bad fats

Although many experts tell us that we have too much fat in our diet,

The truth is that many people are actually deficient in essential fatty acids,

especially omega 3 fatty acids.

By increasing your intake of these types of vitamins fat, you can reduce your chances

getting heart disease, reduce inflammation in the joints, strengthen your immune system

against cancer, promote healthy brain function.

The point is that the types of fats you eat a big difference in the risk of developing

or die of heart disease. Despite what you may have been led to believe that it is not

reduce fat intake to reduce your risk. It is important

However, to change a number of fat you eat.

A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers

concluded that replacing unhealthy fats like margarine and shortening with health

sources of fat such as olive oil, avocados, nuts and fish are cold water

effective in preventing coronary heart disease than reducing total fat intake.

In this simple way to remember what fats are good and which are bad, and the best

how to get the essential fats you need.

Saturated fats are those that are solid at room temperature. It is found in meat,

dairy products, palm oil and palm kernel oil, cocoa butter and coconut oil. Many

Epidemiological studies have found that increased consumption of saturated fat

associated with an increased incidence of heart disease and cancer. Although some researchers

including Dr. Robert Atkins, who argued that saturated fats are unjustly maligned

for their role in the development of heart disease, most nutritionists advise that saturated

fat can be maintained at 10 percent or less of your total daily calories. Monounsaturated oils are those that are liquid at room temperature, but becomes cloudy

or solid in the refrigerator. They include olive oil and canola oil and are present in

lawyers. Studies have shown that cultures that get most of their calories from fat

Unsaturated fats are less frequent for all types of cardiovascular disease and

many cancers. Health and nutrition experts now recommends that most

fat intake in the diet should be from monounsaturated oils.

Polyunsaturated oils remain liquid even when chilled. They are important because

supply of essential fatty acids. The most commonly used vegetable oils, such as

corn, peanuts and soybeans, are rich in Omega 6. Sources of Omega-3

fats include deep-water fish in cold sea like salmon, herring, cod, mackerel and sardines,

as well as flax seed is also known as linseed.


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